When a woman is in distress, she needs love, acceptance and appreciation. The first step on the way to her restoration is an embrace. It is a concrete act of charity, as described to us in the Bible, that gives new hope and can revive faith. Another step in this process is our care package. The aim is to help women in need, but also in the long term and sustainably, to improve their quality of life and provide them with the basic things they lack.

Our women in Uganda bear the great burden of war, poverty and disease. Without work and education, left alone in their suffering. We especially want to support the generations of tomorrow and help them break the cycle of poverty.

Life presents many women with major recurring challenges. Often, they lack the most basic necessities. Okoa Hero’s Child offers women a “Care Package” that includes things like mosquito soap, cleaning and hygiene products, and other basic household items.

care package

Our Care Package

In past years, we were able to support many women with a Christmas package that gave them hope and confidence at Christmas. It contained important things like toothbrush, toothpaste, mosquito soap and washable pads. What used to be just a gift at Christmas, we would like to support on a regular basis. Where it is urgently needed.

Especially when life’s challenges become too great and many of the women can no longer afford these basic items, things like rice, maize flour and oil are vital. Sometimes life circumstances require us to share food, especially in times of crisis like now, when everything has become more expensive due to the many crises in countries around the world.

With a donation of 10 euros we make it possible to provide the following things that give new hope to many people. Just as the Bible tells us.

  • toothbrush, toothpaste and mosquito soa
  • washable pads
  • Rice, corn flour and beans
  • oil and sugar
  • something sweet for the heart
  • washing bowl and detergent
  • and other essentials

A gift is like a smile, which shines from the deepest heart, without any mask. It can be so precious. More valuable than all the gold in the world. Because this small moment, the moment of the honest smile from the heart, remains perhaps forever in the memory, firmly chiseled as in stone. For you, who give or give something of yourself, it can be a moment of joy.