Sponsorship for a child in the orphanage
“Whoever welcomes a child in my name welcomes me (The Bible in Matthew 18:5)”
Sponsorship for a child is a lifeline, lifting them out of despair. You give them education and hope. It is also essential for us to convey Christian values. When the children realize they are children of God and have a special value, a change occurs. They also begin to blossom in other areas of their lives.
We are committed to the children house; we also want to give children in the Busoga district a perspective on their future. When you sponsor a child with Okoa Hero’s Child Ministries, you help the poorest children in the district community emotionally and change their lives. In no other form of donation than a child sponsorship do you experience so concretely how and what your help achieves. Your support gets a face!
In doing so, you help the children out of hopelessness. Our goal is to give them education, hope and Christian values. When the children realise that they are a child of God and they have a special value, they begin to flourish in other areas of their lives as well. With your help, children can go to school. The local schools are kept very simple, so we also try to support them; whether it is setting up a library or helping to establish contacts for the provision of school software.

Sponsorship at a glance:
- With 40 US-Dollar per month you enable a child to attend school.
- We regularly send photos and updates about your godchild
- Your sponsorship can be terminated at any time at the end of the month without giving reasons.
- Transparency is very important to us. At the end of the year, we report to you in detail on the income, expenditure and progress of our voluntary work.
Choose your sponsorship
School education
Education is the best remedy against poverty. Your sponsored child attends a school and gets a warm meal every day.
School material
Your sponsored child is provided with everything necessary to attend school. There often needs to be more money to cover hidden costs such as notebooks, pens, shoes, and school uniforms.
Medicines and hygiene products are essential for healthy growth. The remaining amounts remain in the medical pool to be able to quickly help other children with medicine in case of an emergency.
With your help, children can go to school. The local schools are kept very simple, so we also try to support them; whether it is setting up a library or helping to establish contacts for the provision of school software. English textbooks can help build a good library. If you have any, we would be happy if you could send them to us. They are a great treasure for the schools here in the rural communities.